
Ethical standards in interaction with own staff, customers, suppliers, and other business partners.


A company’s success depends on the reputation gained based on its performance but also on its business conduct and the values it embodies.

Thus, as a reflection of its corporate culture, the MEDISTYLE commits to observing minimum ethical standards not only in interaction with its own staff, but also with customers, suppliers, and other business partners.

MEDISTYLE’s Code of Conduct

To ensure these high standards, we have established a compliance management system designed to make certain all commitments stipulated in the mission statement of MEDISTYLE and especially in the MEDISTYLE’s Code of Conduct are adhered to.

An important part of this compliance system is the Code of Conduct. The MEDISTYLE’s Code of Conduct provides basic guidelines for complying with ethical principles and legal obligations in business activities. In addition to the Code of Conduct, various behavioural guidelines have been put into effect and are being continuously developed.

MEDISTYLE guarantees a continuous, independent, and wide opportunity to supervise and control compliance with the Code of Conduct, Behavioural guidelines or laws.

MEDISTYLE’s Code of Conduct for Business Partners

Code of Conduct for Business Partners is a guide to the ethical principles an legal obligations that are supported by MEDISTYLE, and expected to be complied with by their business partners.

MEDISTYLE’s Clinical Code of Conduct

The MEDISTYLE’s Clinical Code of Conduct is designed to complement the MEDISTYLE’s Code of Conduct. Working in a clinical environment imposes further requirements and responsibilities on the company above and beyond those contained in the MEDISTYLE’s Code of Conduct designed to apply to the general business environment. For this reason, the MEDISTYLE’s Clinical Code of Conduct was developed.
